Help build the LAX LAB 2.0 | school of climate fiction library

LAX LAB 2.0 | school of climate fiction is a collaborative and participatory project, and needs your help. Let’s build a library together!

What is a school without a library?

One of the goals of LAX LAB 2.0 | school of climate fiction is to become an educational resource for all things climate fiction. To achieve that goal, I would like to build an online library together with you.

The library can be found here on the LAX LAB website and will be a perpetual work-in-progress. I have started the slow process of gathering works written on, about, or in the genre of climate fiction, in these categories:

Essays and popular science articles
Book reviews and author profiles
Academic articles
Non-fiction on climate fiction
Non-fiction on hope
Memoirs and literary non-fiction
Young adult novels
Short-story collections
Graphic novels and comics
Children’s literature

Now, I need your help! If you have any suggestions on titles that you think should be included, please send a message or leave a comment on the community discussion on Substack.


Mission Statement for LAX LAB 2.0 now online


First LAX LAB 2.0 community discussion is open